Derek Schuetz Designer

用户名: 3rdaxisprinting
3D Printing since: January 2012
I have been building my own 3D printers now for over 3 years. I started with a Makerfarm Prusa 2 Kit and from there I was hooked on the Reprap idea. I am now on my 4th built machine which has pushed my building skills to its limits as well as my machines capabilities. I currently have a HercuLienn p
I have been building my own 3D printers now for over 3 years. I started with a Makerfarm Prusa 2 Kit and from there I was hooked on the Reprap idea. I am now on my 4th built machine which has pushed my building skills to its limits as well as my machines capabilities. I currently have a HercuLienn printer with a 33 cubic centimeter build volume that I want to put to use. So please sed me some challenges so i can make use of my machines capabilities.
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