Marko Aubel Designer

Nombre de usuario: downisser
Imprimiendo en 3D desde: October 2014
Projectmanager und Developer of 3D-Printers in area of SLA, DLP and MJM at BURMS in Jena. Actual on the development of a Multimaterial-Multicolor-Hybrid - Printer, supported by the BMBF (federal program). Used printers: Raplas RP 450HD, 3D-Systems Viper, Miicraft 125, MiiCraft+, Prismlab, Keyence Ag
Projectmanager und Developer of 3D-Printers in area of SLA, DLP and MJM at BURMS in Jena. Actual on the development of a Multimaterial-Multicolor-Hybrid - Printer, supported by the BMBF (federal program). Used printers: Raplas RP 450HD, 3D-Systems Viper, Miicraft 125, MiiCraft+, Prismlab, Keyence Agilista and others.
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