Francisco Fino Designer

Username: Cesky
I am an Italian 3D modeler
always been a lover of miniatures, in particular of fantasy ones
I love to create ideate and see conretize what my mind gives birth to
i have a 3d printer with which i make prototypes and that helps me to produce printable models with visible and paintable details
I have
I am an Italian 3D modeler
always been a lover of miniatures, in particular of fantasy ones
I love to create ideate and see conretize what my mind gives birth to
i have a 3d printer with which i make prototypes and that helps me to produce printable models with visible and paintable details
I have a goal to create my own fantasy world with various related games and countless miniatures , it will be a long journey but with your support step by step, miniature by miniature we will see it materialize .
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