Sisul Galog Designer

Username: Sisul
3D Printing since: June 2018
3D printing is a very nice hobby for me. I love tinkering with things and inventing new / custom things.
I like to browse the internet for 3D-objects for ideas, but I don't download and print them very often. Instead, the things here give me my own ideas which I then try to construct in my own way.
3D printing is a very nice hobby for me. I love tinkering with things and inventing new / custom things.
I like to browse the internet for 3D-objects for ideas, but I don't download and print them very often. Instead, the things here give me my own ideas which I then try to construct in my own way.
At the moment I'm still in the phase of solving challenges/problems with my printer that I wouldn't have without a printer. I have now escalated the problems by one more stage by starting to rebuild my Anet A6 into my own version of the AM6. The mechanical conversion and the change to an Arduino/RAMPS combination is already working. I have also found solutions for most of the cable routing. The only thing left is the routing for the Y-axis and then finishing the documentation so that it can be uploaded here for everyone.
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